How Keys Work to Unlock Locks
We all have a set of keys. One for home, two for the car, another for work, plus perhaps our mailbox, safe, or even storage space keys. Our key rings are full of them so that our things can be locked away safely and securely, yet we may still have access to them whenever we want.
What is a Key?
Originally appearing over 6000 years ago, it is one of the greatest inventions since the wheel. Long ago, they were carved out of wood or bone, but now we have the technology to make us safe without all the hard work. Today, a key is a simple piece of metal or plastic that opens up things like doors or jewelry boxes, or starts our vehicles.
What Are the Different Types of Keys?
There are over twenty varying styles of keys, ranging from skeleton to pin and tumbler, from high-tech transponder keys to the tiny ones that open things like diaries.
How Do Keys Work?
The most common key type (pin and tumbler) is nothing more than a piece of metal (average two inches) that consists of two parts working together. The bit (or blade) is normally different for every lock. This slides into the keyway of the lock. The bow is the part that protrudes from said lock so that torque can be applied for opening. The average key has breaks precisely cut into the bit so that it lines up exactly to match the pins in the barrel of the lock.
Transponder keys, named as a combination of transmitter and responder, consist of a small plastic part with a tiny microchip enclosed. They are often used in hotel rooms, but are now getting even more popularity in newer model automobiles. Each chip is encoded with a unique serial number, thereby cutting down on break-ins and un-approved reproductions.
What Do I Do if I Lose My Keys?
We have all done it. Some of us more often than others. Your keychain falls out of your pocket, never to be seen again. Fear not, call your local locksmith. We are trained professionals for all your lock and key needs. For a minimal fee, we will be able to get you into your house, car, or other locked space in no time at all.
Whatever your locksmithing needs, Texas Premier Locksmith is here for you in your time of crisis. Whether you just moved into a new home or accidentally locked your keys in your car, our highly trained professionals can help. Contact us at 866-948-8188 for immediate service.