Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions

I need to duplicate a “Do Not Duplicate” key. Can you help?
In other words, we will gladly duplicate your “Do Not Duplicate” key, while explaining to you that the wording is deceptive. These keys are typically among the least secure and easiest to duplicate, and the text stamp holds no legal weight. We would rather you invest in a system designed to keep you safe instead of relying on a few words of text to do the job.
Please note the last sentence in the ALOA position statement. There are some keys, known as “restricted keys,” that are generally illegal to duplicate. Protected by patent law, their duplication requires specialized tools and is limited to approved manufacturers and locksmiths. If we are authorized to duplicate the specific restricted key you need, we will need to see your identification and proof that you have permission from the original owner to duplicate the key. These keys are significantly safer than keys marked “Do Not Duplicate.”
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What is an Emergency Egress Door, and Do I Need One?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Can I Use The Same Key for My Home and Commercial Building?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
How much does a locksmith cost?
- Lock rekeying starts at $19
- Lockouts and lock repairs start at $25
- Lock changes and safe lockouts start at $45
- Ignition repair and new lock installation start at $65
- Commercial installations start at $65/hr, plus the price of materials
- Key extraction starts at $75
- Car key replacement starts at $95
Please note that we will provide a written estimate before proceeding with the work. Our expert technicians are always happy to walk you through our numbers and explain why you are being charged a certain price.
Texas Premier Locksmith is known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
Do I need my locks rekeyed?
Lock rekeying is the process of changing a lock to ensure that the previous keys no longer work. It is often an automatic response to losing your keys or having them stolen, but is not always necessary. Here are some things to consider:
- Was the key stolen, as opposed to simply lost?
- Is there identifying information on the keyring?
- Was the key lost with a purse or alongside other items that might contain identifying information?
- Was the key lost in the parking lot of your business?
- Was the key kept by a terminated employee or former tenant?
- Was the key lost somewhere that it is unlikely to be retrieved, such as down a toilet?
The higher the likelihood that the key can be both easily retrieved and connected to your home or business, the more important it is to rekey the lock as soon as possible. In the case of a terminated employee or former tenant keeping the key, rekeying may rise to the level of immediate emergency.
Texas Premier Locksmith is known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today.
What are some common types of locks?
Locks come in many different types, from simple interior locks to complex high security styles. Many people choose a variety of locks to meet different needs. Here are a few of the most common:
Doorknob Locks:
These are the simple flip locks often found on bedroom and bathroom doors. They are relatively easy to bypass and should never be used as the sole line of defense on an exterior door.
These come in various styles, some more secure than others, and are the primary form of defense for most American homes.
Rim Latch Locks:
Rim latch locks have one huge advantage: they automatically lock the door when it is closed. They should not be used as the sole lock on an exterior door, but are an extremely helpful addition in some situations.
Rim and Mortise Locks:
Although they have different hardware, these two types of locks are used interchangeably on commercial doors and some glass doors.
Lever Handle Locks:
These locks are relatively easy to operate, are generally ADA compliant, and are frequently used for interior doors in commercial buildings.
Cam Locks:
Cam locks are frequently found on mailboxes and filing cabinets. They are not incredibly secure, but act as a deterrent to crimes of opportunity.
Padlocks are not permanently attached to any structure, giving them portability and a wide range of uses. Their size and strength generally determines their level of security.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today.
What is lockout service?
Lockout service provides entry to your home, vehicle, or business when you do not have the keys. You must be able to demonstrate that you are authorized to access the building or vehicle. Lockout service is provided on an emergency basis for your car or home, and on a same-day basis for your place of business.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today.
How does a locksmith know it’s your house or your car?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today.
What is a “master” key – does it open all locks?
If an individual lock is rekeyed by someone other than the original locksmith, the master key will no longer work in that lock. In addition, the master key can only open the locks that are designed for it, not “all locks.”
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today.
Does it matter if I use a certified locksmith?
If you haven’t bought a new car in a while, you might be surprised to learn that vehicle security technology is rapidly developing, and there are now numerous solutions. Here are some newer car security features that you might want to consider alongside simply locking the car and setting the alarm.
Keyless Entry Integration: Today’s cars generally come with a remote, known as a fob, that locks and unlocks the doors, and releases the trunk. But you can also get a car security fob that integrates keyless entry with an LCD screen that provides a popup display whenever your car alarm sounds. Or you can choose a security system that integrates with your smartphone, sending you a text when your car alarm is activated.
Starter Kill:
Car alarms were a great deterrent when they were first introduced. Now, though, they go off so often that most people tend to ignore them. A button on your security fob can kill the car engine, preventing anyone from driving off until you disable the alarm.
Full-Vehicle Sensors:
Movement sensors can be installed that let you know if your car is disturbed in any way, including jacking it up to steal the wheels or trying to tow it away.
Remote Start Security:
A remote start is a wonderful option, allowing you to start the car from hundreds of feet away, allowing the heater or air conditioner to improve the interior temperature before you get in. For security, though, you must insert the key within a certain time frame (often 5 minutes) or before you start driving, or the car will automatically shut off. If you have keyless start technology, you will not need to physically insert the key in the car to drive it, but the key must be detected inside the car.
Car security has come a long way. If you are in the market for a new car, or want to upgrade the security on your current car, feel free to call us for security advice.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What should I know about copying car keys?
Although many people believe that only dealerships can copy transponder keys, that is not the case. Highly trained locksmiths, like the ones at Texas Premier Locksmith, can also duplicate vehicle keys with embedded transponders. We can even replace a lost key fob, allowing you to remotely lock and unlock your vehicle.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a safe room?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a keyless deadbolt?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are interchangeable core locks?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a panic bar?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are the most stolen items in a break in?
Burglars like to steal cash and jewelry because of their value. However, they also steal high value electronics, such as TVs, stereos, laptops, and cameras. They may steal clothing and shoes, if they feel they can resell the items. This means that designer items have a higher chance of theft. In addition, any drugs, prescription or otherwise, will often be a target of a burglar.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I avoid locksmith scams?
Second, when they arrive, they should look professional. Ask to see their ID and license number. A professional locksmith will expect such questions from new customers. Third, the locksmith should not ask you for more money than you agreed to pay them. If they ask you for an unagreed upon trip charge, you might be dealing with a scam.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some simple burglar deterrents?
Next, invest in some simple security measures. In terms of technology, consider purchasing an inexpensive security camera that’s visible from the outside of your home, motion activated lights to alert you of an intruder, and a basic home security system. However, don’t forget that dogs are simple burglar deterrents. While a burglar can learn to disarm a home security system, they’ll have a much more difficult time keeping your dog quiet and or avoiding getting bitten.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I keep my door locks working well?
Clean and Lubricate:
Wipe down your door locks on a regular basis with a damp rag to prevent dust buildup. Once per year, lubricate the door with a graphite or dry lubricant. Spray lubricant inside the lock and then move its key in and out several times to remove gunk. If you have a specialty lock, such as a high security lock or biometric lock, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance.
Copy New Keys:
Keys tend to wear out before locks do, but copying a worn key can result in a new key that doesn’t work that well with the lock. When you install a new lock, set aside one original key to make later copies from.
Check the Door Alignment:
A misaligned door can render even the best lock useless, or at least reduce its effectiveness. Even a subtle misalignment can cause warping and mechanical distortion within the lock. Double-check that the space between the door frame and the door is less than ¼ inch wide, and is even around all sides of the door.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I prevent lock snapping?
Extra Technology:
Snap resistant gadgets that layer onto your existing locks can help you foil would-be lock snappers. Their designs are constantly being refined, so it may be worth upgrading periodically.
Integrated Alarm System:
An integrated alarm system will sound an audible alarm and notify police when the lock is disturbed. Make sure that your system is integrated in such a way that it is not obvious where the main network connections are. This prevents would-be burglars from deactivating the system.
Select Snap-Resistant Materials:
If you’re due for a lock upgrade, consider investing in snap-resistant locks of steel or another high-grade material. These locks are pricey, but the peace of mind may be worth the cost.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some easy ways to improve my lock security?
Install Deadbolts (Correctly):
Deadbolts are much slower to break through than regular knob locks. But if the hole on the door frame is not drilled deep enough to fully extend the bolt, the deadbolt is basically useless. Check your deadbolts to make sure they are properly operating.
Add Secondary Window Locks:
Most windows have simple latches that keep them closed, but are easy for a burglar to break. There are a variety of secure window locks on the market at various price points, and even the least expensive are more effective than basic latches.
Secure Sliding Glass Doors:
Since many sliding glass doors are hidden at the back of the house, an intruder could spend all day working to gain entry. Sliding glass doors are often incorrectly installed, allowing them to simply be lifted out even when locked. Even if yours are properly installed, a sliding glass door latch poses little problem to a professional burglar. Add a door pin or a bar for extra safety, and consider putting a security system on that door.
Rear Gate:
Rear gates often have flimsy locks. Consider adding a dedicated gate lock that can be keyed to match your house locks. Also make sure that your home has good outdoor lighting. Intruders prefer to work in the shadows, where they can’t be seen by neighbors.
Lock Upgrades:
Although the most expensive lock is not necessarily the best, technology changes quickly. If your locks are old and out of date, or the absolute cheapest you could find, simply upgrading them a bit can have a huge impact on your home security. Maintain your locks by regularly lubricating and tightening them.
Lock Changes:
Always change your locks or have them rekeyed whenever you move into a new residence or office, if someone fails to return his or her keys, and after you distribute keys to contractors or repair technicians. Have the locks changed or rekeyed if you lose a key, as well as every two to three years as a general safeguard.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I improve my luggage security when traveling?
Use TSA-Approved Luggage Locks:
Your checked bags will be handled by quite a few people before returning to you at your destination. TSA-approved locks help to prevent crimes of opportunity, while allowing security officials to search your bag if needed.
Keep Your Valuables Together:
Your most valuable items should never be checked, but they are also at risk for theft in your carry-on. Make a list of what they are, and package them all together in a single zip-top bag or a specific (preferably hidden) pocket of your carry-on, away from non-essential items. That way, you can check on them as soon as you get through security and file an immediate report if anything is missing. Never put your wallet or anything obviously valuable separately in an X-ray bin.
Announce What You Hand Over:
If you are required to hand over your bag to a security employee, gate agent, or anyone else, verbally state its contents. Employees may take extra care with your bag if they know you have a detailed listing of what is inside.
Carry a Credit Card and ID on Your Person:
If the worst happens and everything you have is stolen, a credit card and ID are essential. These items let you buy new tickets home, find shelter, and purchase food. Never let them out of your sight.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some common college security risks?
Illusion of Safety:
College students tend to view their campus and its environs as a sort of protective bubble, leading to risks that they would never take at home. In reality, college campuses and college towns are not magical places where crimes do not occur. One of the best ways to improve your security at college is simply to realize that you are ultimately responsible for protecting yourself.
From studying to social media, college life is filled with endless competition for students’ attention. Walking around in a distracted haze, though, is a perfect recipe for victimization. Remain alert and aware of your surroundings at all times, and you will be far more likely to recognize red flags in time to address them.
College is, as it should be, a time to celebrate youthful independence. Yet for students who are newly away from home and unused to taking responsibility for all aspects of their lives, it is easy to drink too much and lose sight of important considerations. From locking yourself out of your dorm to putting yourself in unsafe situations with strangers, excessive partying can be dangerous.
Despite the seemingly constant social interactions of the typical college student, the free-flowing nature of college friendships means that you may not have someone you trust nearby when you most need help. Make the effort to develop at least one or two tight friendships and make a pact to help each other stay safe.
College is an exciting time, but many students are unaware of the security risks they face. Make security a priority, stay alert and aware at all times, and keep a couple of good friends on call, and you will be well on your way to a fun, safe college experience.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some common types of car keys?
Car keys today fall into a range of categories, from smart keys to valet keys. Below are the most common types you are likely to encounter today:
Mechanical-Cut Keys:
Mechanical cutting was the only way to obtain car keys through most of the 20th century. These keys are cut on machines similar to those used for house keys and traditional padlocks. Because they are easily duplicated and the locks are relatively easy to pick, they have fallen out of favor for newer cars.
Laser-Cut Keys:
Also known as sidewinders, these keys are far more advanced in both technology and security than mechanical-cut keys. The locks are tough to pick, and the keys can only be duplicated by those with access to highly sophisticated equipment.
Vehicle Anti-Theft System (VATS) Keys:
These are non-computerized, mechanical-cut keys that contain a resistor on the key blade with one of 15 possible values. They are more secure than traditional mechanical-cut keys, but less secure than keys with computerized microchips.
Transponder Keys:
These keys may be either mechanical-cut or laser-cut, but always contain a microchip in the handle. This reduces key fraud and improves ignition security.
Smart Keys:
Smart keys bypass the entire process of traditional car keys, while serving the same functions. They use microchips and sensors to unlock and start your car without ever being inserted. You only need to have the smart key somewhere on your person.
Key Fobs:
Key fobs are extremely common for vehicles without smart keys. The key fob is a small remote control that can be used to lock and unlock the car from a distance. It is not essential, as the car key will also perform this function, but many vehicle owners enjoy the convenience.
Valet Keys:
A valet key is a modified version of a car’s standard keys. It operates the door locks and ignition, but does not allow access to the trunk or locked glove box. It is provided along with one or more full-access keys.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I improve gate security?
Hide your valuables:
If your gate has decorative holes or gaps, criminals can see through it. Take a hard look at the sightlines through your gate to make sure nothing of value is visible.
Forget latches and doorknobs:
A latch on the inside of the gate might be a deterrent to small neighborhood kids, but potential thieves know that all they have to do is reach over the gate, with their hands or with a tool, and pop the latch. Likewise, if your gate has an unkeyed doorknob on the inside, a determined would-be burglar will simply reach over and turn the knob.
Use a high-quality lock:
Just like door locks, gate locks are available in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and levels of security. Choose a high-quality keyed or keyless lock that provides real security. When considering locks, if you wouldn’t put one on your front door, don’t put it on your gate either.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a transponder key?
If the proper frequency is not received, the car will not start. This prevents anyone from starting the car via hotwiring or an unauthorized duplicate key. However, we can create a new transponder key for you if needed, complete with the proper frequency to start your car.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a Bump Proof Lock?
A bump proof lock is immune to bump keys. Different lock manufacturers use different technologies, but the idea is that a locking bar or other mechanism is included within the lock, preventing bump keys from allowing the lock to open.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a proximity key?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a door closer?
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some common commercial door hardware options?
Like residential locks, commercial locks also run the gamut from simple single cylinder deadbolts to electronic keypads that are fully integrated with the building’s security system.
Commercial door hinges are also available in a wide range of types. In general, hinges are rated for the amount of expected foot traffic through each door. Decorative hinges are available in all rating categories, if desired
Door Closers:
A door closer automatically closes an open door. Door closers may be required on fire doors, and are also used for a variety of other purposes. They are available in several different styles.
Door Stops:
Whether mounted on the floor or on the adjacent wall, door stops protect the adjacent wall from taking damage when the door is opened.
Knobs, Handles, or Push Bars:
Whether you prefer a traditional doorknob, a handle lever, or a push bar, there are innumerable decorative options and styles from which to choose.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What is a key fob?
In plain English, this means that it generates a code that that the smart lock recognizes, allowing you to access the physical object. In more complicated deployments, such as on a laptop, you may need to enter your PIN (personal identification code) before the lock will recognize the code from the key fob. The code times out after a brief period, and the same code is not reused. This prevents would-be criminals from logging and then using the code.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some car security features?
In plain English, this means that it generates a code that that the smart lock recognizes, allowing you to access the physical object. In more complicated deployments, such as on a laptop, you may need to enter your PIN (personal identification code) before the lock will recognize the code from the key fob. The code times out after a brief period, and the same code is not reused. This prevents would-be criminals from logging and then using the code.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What should I know about burglar deterrents?
While it is impossible to prevent a determined person from entering your home, burglaries are largely crimes of opportunity. The more obstacles you place in a burglar’s path, the more likely he is to move on to an easier target. Here are some easy burglar deterrents you should know about.
Locked doors:
Simply locking your doors, even when you are home, is an effective first step. Make sure you have strong deadbolts and sliding door locks. If you like to keep a door or window open, it should have a strong, locked screen, and should always be closed at night and when you’re not home.
Security evaluation:
Many local police departments will send officers to inspect your home’s security at no charge. If yours does not offer this service, consider asking a local locksmith for a paid evaluation.
Security cameras:
Visible security cameras inside and outside your home are an excellent deterrent—even if you choose not to hook them up. Fakes can also work well, as long as they look realistic.
Motion activated lights:
Motion sensor floodlights can illuminate dark areas outside your home at night, making it difficult for a burglar to sneak around.
Alarm system:
Whether you choose a basic alarm or an industrial siren, choose an alarm company that provides automatic police notification and is known for fast response times.
Door strength:
Make sure your doors are solid enough to avoid being kicked in. If you have a window in a door, install a second lock near the floor to avoid a burglar smashing the window and unlocking the door.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
What are some garage door safety tests you MUST perform regularly?
Your garage door is a heavy object that is designed to open and close easily, whether manually or with a garage door opener. However, the same mechanisms that allow smooth operation can also be dangerous if allowed to wear out. Here are the safety tests you must perform on a regular basis to keep your family safe:
Visual inspection:
Close the garage door while you are inside, and inspect all the cables, springs, pulleys, mounting hardware and rollers for any signs of damage, loosening, or fraying.
Photo-eye test:
Make sure your garage door is fully open, then press to close it. Wave a long object such as a broom handle under the door as it closes, breaking the photo eye beam. If the door does not immediately reverse, let it close and wipe the photo eyes with a clean, dry cloth. Also check for misalignment. Try the test again, and if the door still does not reverse, call a technician for help.
Reverse mechanism test:
Open the garage door fully, then place a 2×4 on the floor where the door would touch. Lower the door and watch what happens when it hits the wood. If it does not immediately reverse, seek professional assistance.
Door balance test:
If you have an automatic garage door opener, perform this test monthly. Close the door and disconnect the opener. Then try lifting the door manually. Ensure that it moves easily and stays fully open.
Force setting test:
A monthly force setting test is also needed if you have an automatic opener. With the door fully open, push to close it. During the closing process, stretch out your hands and hold up the bottom of the door. If it keeps trying to close, remove your hands and call a tech for assistance.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
Should I use high-security locks even if I have an alarm?
High-security locks are always recommended, even for those with top of the line alarm systems. Most of the time, an alarm does not sound until someone gains entry. Even if yours will go off from an attempted break-in, the alarm should be the last line of defense rather than the first. A high-security lock can stop a burglar in his tracks and, in some cases, even serve as a deterrent against would-be thieves attempting to gain entry in the first place. Remember, criminals are opportunistic, and every obstacle you can throw in their way lowers your odds of being victimized.
Texas Premier Locksmithis known as one of the premier locksmith companies across the state of Texas. If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, please give us a call today at (866) 948-8188.
Should I choose a locksmith that is a member of the ALOA?
Choosing a locksmith that is a member of the ALOA means choosing an ongoing commitment to excellence. ALOA locksmiths keep abreast of the latest developments in security technology and are always striving to maintain and update their skills. When you need locksmith services, it would be hard to go wrong with a member of the ALOA.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith that can provide for all your residential, commercial, and automotive locksmith needs, please contact us today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I unstick a sticking lock?
First, spray the lock with WD-40 or another light penetrating oil. Be sure to spray into the keyhole as well as onto the bolt mechanism. Use a paper towel to catch any drips. Then gently turn the key back and forth several times to allow the oil to fully penetrate the lock.
If the lock continues to stick, check to see if it works normally with the door open. If so, the lock is not actually the problem. The alignment of the door and frame is. Look for any obstructions at the threshold and door jamb. Also check the door and the frame for any warping or twisting. Remember that wooden doors tend to swell in the heat and humidity, while metal doors can rust as they get older.
If you are unable to get your sticking lock working again, call a trusted locksmith for help. We can assess the lock to determine the nature of the problem and help you find the best solution to fix the problem.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith that can provide for all your residential, commercial, and automotive locksmith needs, please contact us today at (866) 948-8188.
Why Change Your Locks When Moving Into A New Home?
Most of the time, those who have keys have perfectly legitimate reasons to have had them, from previous tenants to service professionals who did work in the home. Still, that doesn’t mean you want someone you don’t know to be able to walk into your home. In addition, there is always the possibility that someone with poor intentions has managed to obtain a key. Either way, you will sleep better at night knowing that the only people who can access your home are those you allow.
If you are a renter, speak with the property management company or owner about changing the locks. Lock changes are generally their responsibility, and your lease may require you to provide them with a copy of the keys.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What do locksmiths use to unlock cars?
Wedge and Probe:
The ideal way to open a car is with the help of a soft or inflatable wedge. The wedge is pushed into the space between the door and the door frame, and then carefully adjusted to create just enough space to insert a probe.
The type of probe will depend on the type of door locks your car has. A simple rod can be used to push the button that unlocks the doors, but some cars lack this feature. A probe with a hook can be used on other types of locks, such as side sliders.
Closed Doorway Tools:
A Slim Jim used to be the most common way to open locked cars (other than coat hangers) in the days of upright post locks. If you have an older car, or a newer one that happens to have post locks, your locksmith still might choose this tool. In addition, similar tools are now available for sliding door locks and side door locks.
To use a closed doorway tool, your locksmith will insert the tool between the window glass and the weather stripping of the door, and then carefully finesse the lock until it opens. Trying this on your own is not recommended, as there are a lot of wires and electronic components that could easily be snagged.
Lock Picking:
Picking the lock may be possible, and in some cases even easier than picking a house lock. However, this is rarely done for two main reasons. One is that car locks are ever-changing, which means a great deal of trial and error for even the most experienced locksmith. Even more important, though, is the fact that picking simply will not work on a newer car with transponder technology.
Lock picking mirrors using a key, but today’s keys have transponder chips that send a signal to the car that the key is authentic. Without a transponder signal, the lock will not open. Our locksmiths can program new transponder keys, but only after the car is open and we can access the onboard computer. Therefore, lockpicking is not an option except in very specific circumstances on older vehicles.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Should I change my locks when I move into a new home?
Unless your home is a brand-new build, someone lived there before you. Not only might that person still have a key, but he or she could have handed out keys to the babysitter, the housekeeper, various maintenance workers, and even a few friends. You simply never know who might have keys to the existing locks and what those people’s intentions might be.
If the property is a rental, the owner should take responsibility for changing the locks, so be sure to ask. If the owner refuses, or if you purchased your home, have the locks changed yourself. Offer a copy of the new keys to the property owner or management company in case emergency access is needed.
This is a great time to start building a relationship with a skilled, trustworthy, reliable local locksmith. A good locksmith can be invaluable as inevitable issues arise with the locks in your car, home, and place of business.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What’s wrong with my car ignition switch?
Failure to turn:
Sometimes the ignition switch refuses to turn when the key is inserted. If your front wheels are turned, especially against a curb, it may simply be bound due to pressure. Try jiggling the steering wheel back and forth to see if it loosens. Alternately, the ignition switch may simply be dirty and full of gunk. Use a non-conductive lubricant such as dielectric silicon grease or an aerosol cleaner for electronics to clean it out. Never use penetrating oil, which could short out the electrical contacts.
Broken key:
An old key could break off inside the ignition switch. You will need a locksmith to remove the broken key and make a new one if desired. At Texas Premier Locksmith, we can even program a new smart key.
Manufacturer defect:
Occasionally a car will come from the manufacturer with a broken ignition switch. If the car is under warranty, the repair will generally be covered. If not, call an experienced automotive locksmith for assistance.
Wafer issues:
The ignition switch has a set of wafers that match the cuts on the key. They can wear out over time. A car locksmith can replace individual wafers as required.
Worn key:
Keys tend to wear down, gradually losing material over time. A badly worn key may no longer align with the wafers to turn the ignition switch. Try using a spare key to see if this is the problem. If you have no spare, you will need to have an automotive locksmith create a new one.
Transponder communication problems:
A smart key uses a tiny computer chip to communicate with the car, providing a layer of security that does not allow the ignition switch to turn unless the proper smart key is present. Occasionally the transponder can stop functioning. In this case, a car locksmith can either reprogram the existing key or create and program a new key.
Key stuck in ignition switch:
Try moving the steering wheel back and forth to release any binding. If this doesn’t work, you may have a damaged steering column locking mechanism. Call a professional automotive locksmith for help.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Can you unlock my house, car, or office without identification?
Unfortunately, we cannot. We must be able to either confirm your identity and your right to access the home, car, or office, or we must receive written authorization from the property owner. We understand that this may be inconvenient, but it is a legal safety precaution to avoid unauthorized access.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What’s the difference between changing a lock and rekeying it?
Rekeying a lock means removing and replacing the existing lock cylinder, while leaving the rest of the lock hardware in place. If you simply want to ensure that the lock uses a new key and that the old key will no longer work, you only need to have the lock rekeyed.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Should I change my locks if I lose my keys?
However, if your keys do not have any identifiers for your home, and they were lost rather than stolen, the odds of them being traced to your home are quite slim. You can rekey your locks for better peace of mind, but in most cases, it is safe to simply have new keys made.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Why do most cars have transponder keys today?
Transponder keys prevent cars from being hot wired. In the past, knowledgeable car thieves were able to start a car without its key simply by manipulating its wiring. They could also get hold of the actual key and make a copy, and then return the key. Today’s transponder keys prevent theft by both of these techniques. Whether the wires are manipulated, or a copy of the key is used, the car simply will not start without the proper signal from its designated key.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What is the ALOA?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Can you replace my lost car keys?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What is master keying?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What is rekeying?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I unstick a sticking lock?
Lock sticking is often caused by a buildup of dirt and debris. Spray the keyhole and bolt mechanism with a light penetrating oil such as WD-40, catching drips with a paper towel. Then work the key gently back and forth a few times to loosen it.
If this does not solve the problem, open the door and try the lock. If it works normally, then the problem is not with the lock, but with the alignment of the door. Check for warping, twisting, or obstructions. Wooden doors often swell in heat and humidity, while metal doors can rust over time.
If you cannot get the lock unstuck, call a reputable locksmith. We can diagnose the specific issue and find the best solution to get your lock working again.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
What information do you need when I call?
If you do not have identification with you, please let us know up front. We are legally required to ensure that you are authorized to access the home, car, or commercial property in question, but we may be able to work with you to find a way of providing that proof.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Can you open my gun safe?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Does lock picking damage my lock?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Should I have all my locks keyed the same?
There are pros and cons to this approach. Having all your locks keyed the same means that you don’t need to carry a bunch of keys or fumble for the right one for each door. However, if someone in your house loses a key, and all the locks are keyed the same, you will need to have all of them rekeyed rather than just the one whose key was lost. Only you can decide which approach works best for you and your family.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I avoid a damaged safe?
Store the safe in a dry area:
Skip high-humidity parts of your home such as the basement, instead choosing a spot that is relatively dry.
Acclimatize the safe:
Before loading a new safe, let it sit in place with the door fully open for 24 hours. This prevents trapping condensation.
Check the seal:
Make sure the seal on the safe is intact and engages fully when you lock the safe.
Air out the safe:
Twice a month, open the safe for 20 minutes.
Store dry items:
Never put anything in a safe while it is damp. Make sure everything is completely dry before storing it.
Use airtight containers:
For an extra layer of protection, place documents, pictures, and other moisture-sensitive items in airtight containers within the safe.
Add a drying agent:
Baking soda, activated charcoal, desiccant packs, and even kitty litter can absorb moisture within your safe. Be sure to change the drying agent twice a year.
Consider a dehumidifier:
If you live in a high-humidity region, consider placing a dehumidifier in the safe. When it gets full, plug it into an outlet to dry it out before reusing it.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
How can I prevent a broken key?
Lubricate the locks:
Locks that are not well-lubricated require force to turn, putting repetitive strain on their keys. Lubricate the locks now and then with a spray lubricant designed for locks or a dry lubricant such as powdered graphite. Use the key in the newly lubricated lock a few times to ensure even lubrication.
Do not use keys as a multi-purpose tool:
Keys are convenient, and many people are tempted to use them for prying, sawing, scraping, and other small jobs. However, these “off-label” uses can easily bend keys or damage their teeth, so use a multi-tool or pocket knife instead.
Replace keys occasionally:
No matter how careful you are with your keys, they will gradually grow brittle with age. Replace them now and then to avoid a broken key emergency.
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Can a broken lock be fixed?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
Does car insurance cover vehicle lockouts?
Ready to Get Started?
If you are ready to form a relationship with a reliable, trustworthy locksmith, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.
How Can I Know If My Locksmith Is Trustworthy?
This is a common concern, as we are essentially allowing someone to “break-in” to our home or car. Although many states do not regulate locksmiths, there are a few key points to look out for to ensure your security:
- Most locksmiths have a website, so when possible do your research. You want a company with good reviews and a long-term history in your area.
- When the locksmith arrives, ask for identification and/or licensing. Texas Premier Locksmith’s Texas License Number is # B17236
- Check to see if the company has certification, such as a Certified Professional Locksmith (CPL) or Certified Master Locksmith (CML).
Texas Premier Locksmith has been around for decades, serving our fellow Texans in your time of need. If you are in a crisis, contact us by calling (866) 948-8188. We’ll help get you back into where you need to be.
Licensed & Insured Locksmiths
Whether you have just moved into a new home and need new locks installed or you desire to have a higher level of security at your office, Texas Premier Locksmith is here to get the job done perfectly. Contact us today for the absolute best locksmith service available.
Texas Locksmith License #B17236